
Little is known about the Prophet Joel. He probably lived in the city of Jerusalem, prophesies in the kingdom of Judah, and his father’s name is Pethuel. The book of Joel is considered the first prophetic book written. Joël pays a lot of attention to the rhythm and structure of his sentences. His book is one of the finest literary works in the Old Testament.

There is an air of this prophecy of impending doom. The world powers Assyria and Babylon are not mentioned. It remains to be guessed who Joel has in mind with his announcement of the judgment of God. There has just been a plague of locusts and they form the background for the visions of doom. The book opens with the sound of a mighty insect army eating the land bare.

Theological Themes

The first theme. Following the plague of locusts, Joel meditates on the impending wrath of God. His words refer to Judah and pass into the discussion of a future judgment associated with the Day of Judgment. This double meaning is an example of a technique in the prophecies. Two future events are discussed as if they were one and the same thing. These events are separated by many years. As a result, the 2 events seem to coincide. Joel calls the plague The Day of the Lord (1:15-2:1,2,31).

The second theme. The time of blessing and prosperity that you may expect after the judgment of God. (3:17-18). Joel emphasizes that God is ready to forgive if the people repent. God is merciful, full of love. If the people sincerely change their life and attitude (Ring your heart and not your clothes), God will spare them judgment (2:13). Joel foresaw the outpouring of the Spirit of God (2:28-31). The apostle Peter quotes him to indicate the fulfillment of this vision at Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21).

Main features

  1. The plague of locusts and the judgment of GOD (1:1-2:27),
  2. The Day of the LORD: Blessing and Judgment (2:28-4:21).