
Author: Moses
Date: ca. 1,400 BC


The book of Exodus continues the theme of redemption from the book of Genesis. Redemption can be found in history itself and summarized in the special history of Israel. It is the dramatic story of the oppression of the people of God in a foreign land, without any human protection. God hears the cries of His people and sends Moses the servant to perform the divine work of redemption. God had to perform a number of miracles to break the tyranny of Pharaoh. The result was the release of the people of Israel and the equally miraculous journey through the dried up Red Sea.

The redemption outlined in the book of Exodus is not just an escape from oppression. We also see the bright side: God leading His people through the desert and supplying all their needs. At Mount Sinai, God renews His covenant with Abraham (Genesis) and binds himself to the entire nation of Israel. He gives the laws, summarized in the Ten Commandments, as evidence of His love and concern for the people. Rules for all life and religion (tabernacle, priesthood) are established. So the book of Exodus describes not only an exodus, but also a continuation. After the Exodus from Egypt, Israel continues in the wilderness as the People of God, relying on the promises God gave at Mount Sinai.

Theological Themes

The 1st theme in Exodus is the power of God. Nothing can resist Him. Lands, peoples, the sea, nature and the desert are all subject to His power.

The second theme is the goodness of God. He cares for His people, hears them and saves them.

The 3rd theme is the miracle of the will of God. Despite evil, both in Egypt and among the Israelites, His will is carried out. The relationship between Divine and human action is also wonderful: Pharaoh hardened his heart, but God also hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Who can understand this apparent contradiction?

The 4th theme is that human existence is important as part of God’s plan. He provides us with His guidelines, which cover all aspects of life: GOD’s care encompasses everything you are and do.

Main features

  1. Oppression in Egypt, the coming of a savior (1:1-11:10),
  2. The Exodus from Egypt and the Journey through the Red Sea (2:1-14:31),
  3. Conflict and Guidance in the Desert (15:1-18:27),
  4. Legislation of GOD (19:1-34:35),
  5. The presence of GOD in the tabernacle, the priesthood (35:1-40:38).