2 Chronicles

Date: Approx. 500 BC


Some people find the books 1 & 2 Chronicles annoying to read, because of the many genealogies and the repetitions of what is already in the books 1 & 2 kings. The Chronicles are not superfluous. On the contrary, they are important books if the reader only bears in mind that the Bible has a religious intent, not a political or historical one. It is not to say that no history is described here or that it is incorrect. What is written has primarily a religious purpose.

The genealogies are important because the Messiah would one day be human. These records show the family history of the nation as a whole and that of the Messiah who comes from the nation in particular. They show the faithfulness of God through the ages.

You can check His promises. The emphasis is more on the history of the Kingdom of Judah than of Israel. Judah represents the lineage of David, from which the Messiah would one day come. In the kingdom of Israel there was almost total anarchy. Murder and upheaval were the order of the day. In Judah, with kings from 1 family, there was a certain stability. The books of Chronicles account for this by the fact that the South remained faithful in religion, while the North was apostate. God also remained faithful to Israel. He always sent prophets to bring this people back to Him. It doesn’t listen. The fall of the Northern Empire of Israel in 722 BC was the result of its own obstinacy. The religious aspects of Judah’s history receive much attention. Temple, worship, the priests and Levites are offered, as well as the total revival of the country under King Hezekiah.

Theological Themes

Worship is an important theme in these books.
Theme one. The temple gets a lot of attention because it should be central to the life of the people of God. That also applies today.

Theme two. When worship becomes routine or absent from everyday life, whether of a state or person, then the spiritual life is on the brink of death.

The faithfulness of God is evident. All those years when the behavior of the 2 states only demanded punishment, God kept the covenants (‘covenant’) with His people. He still adheres to it today.
The third theme is the judgment of God painful and clear. As much as He loathes breaking agreements, God must punish His people. It’s a warning to us. God does not give preferential treatment. Everyone is judged and blessed equally.

In the fourth theme it becomes clear that we must be vigilant every day. All too often our concern is about what might happen tomorrow. We should live by the day and watch what is happening today. The kingdoms of Judah and Israel never seemed to learn that and it was their downfall. If we want to learn from their tragic example, it need not happen to us.

Main features

2 Chronicles

  1. The life and kingship of Solomon (1:1-9:31),
  2. The History of Judah (10:1-36:21),
  3. Brief Statement on Persia (36:22-23).