Is ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ really a prayer for us?

The Our Father is some of the most famous prayer in the world. On closer examination, the context of the Gospel record reveals that it is primarily intended for the Jewish people. The phrase “Thy Kingdom come” can only become reality when the Jewish people accept Jesus as their Messiah. Jesus says to the Jews the following: You will not see Me again until you say: Blessed is He – the Messiah – who comes in the Name of the Lord. A moment that is still in the future. That does not alter the fact that the Our Father contains a number of things that apply to every person. We all need our daily bread. We all need forgiveness of guilt and should also extend that forgiveness to others. We are all tempted and afflicted with the evil one. It is certainly a prayer for us too. However, be aware of what you are praying. Matthew 6: 9-15, Matthew 23: 37-39, Zechariah 12:10