1 Corinthians

General Both Corinthian letters were written by Paul ‘from the defense’. The believing Corinthians distrusted the apostle, so he had to substantiate his apostleship, as it were (see for example chap. 9:1). This had a lot to do with the factions that existed among them. Because of this they did not get to spiritual growth. … Read more


Author: Paulus Date: Approx. 58 AD Content The book of Romans is one of the most important, carefully composed, theological books of the New Testament. Paul has the city of Rome in mind. He wants to explain to the Romans the essence of the Christians in an appropriate way. Theological themes The Apostle Paul believes … Read more


General Acts is a history book. It is the second part of the description of the period that begins with the coming of the Lord Jesus into this world and ends with the imprisonment of Paul in Rome. The first part of this description is found in the Gospel of Luke. Acts occupies a key … Read more


General In terms of structure, the Gospel of John differs from the other Gospels. This is mainly due to the special character of John’s description, in which the emphasis is much more on the Divine of the Lord Jesus Christ than on the human (see further under ‘Purpose and destiny’). Writer and origin We do … Read more


General The Gospel of Luke is a comprehensive account of what happened concerning the coming of Christ into this world. The author first carefully examined everything and then recorded his findings “in regular order” (ch. 1:3). This gospel, together with the book of Acts, forms a diptych; a completed historical account of the coming of … Read more


The angle from which Mark writes primarily describes the Lord as the servant of God. The Gospel of Mark is a short, powerful and easy to understand gospel. (See also the previous section on “The Gospel According to Matthew,” under “General.”) Writer and origin The author’s name is Marcus. This (Latin) name means: ‘Civilized’; also … Read more


General This first book of the New Testament belongs to what is called the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). ‘Synoptic’ means that these Gospels are written more or less from the same point of view. Many events during the ministry of the Lord Jesus are described in each of these Gospels. In that regard, … Read more