
General The letter to Titus is one of the letters that Paul wrote to only one person. The name ‘Titus’ according to some means: venerable, honoured; according to others: wild pigeon. Paul calls Titus his “true child by virtue of (our) common faith” (ch. 1:3). What applies to Timothy (see the part about the first … Read more

2 Timothy

General What was written in the previous section about the first letter of Timothy under ‘General’, also applies here. With the difference that the first letter of Timothy (and the letter to Titus) was written by Paul in freedom; the second letter to Timothy he wrote from captivity. This makes this letter actually a ‘delayed’ … Read more

1 Timothy

General Along with the Epistle to Philemon and the Epistle to Titus, the Timothy Epistles were written by Paul to individuals; not directly to municipalities. In particular, the letters to Timothy and Titus (only since the 19th century) are also called the ‘pastoral’ or ‘pastoral’ letters. This designation has been given to these letters because … Read more

2 Thessalonians

General As with the first letter to the Thessalonians, this second letter is especially known for the things written in it regarding the future. Most of chapters 1 and 2 are about what will happen in the future. A future very imminent and anticipated at the time this letter was written! It is about the … Read more

1 Thessalonians

General The Thessalonians are best known for the things written in them regarding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. In itself this is also obvious because, for example, each chapter of the first letter is concluded with a reference to the coming of Christ. Everything in this letter is more or less in the … Read more


General More than the letter to the Ephesians, the twin letter of the Colossians, this letter is about the position of Christ and there is more emphasis on doctrinal truths. The letter of Ephesians speaks more about the position of the body of Christ. Writer, origin and destination This letter was probably written at the same … Read more


General Although the order of Paul’s letters in the New Testament is determined by the length of each letter (the longest at the front and the shortest at the back) and is therefore actually determined on wrong grounds, it is nice that the Philippians letter is placed exactly between the letters. to the Ephesians and … Read more


General Broadly speaking, the letter to the Ephesians can be divided into two parts. Chapters 1-3 deal mainly with the position in Christ, while the second part (the last three chapters) deals more with practice. Above this second part you could write Peter’s words: “…sanctify the Christ in your hearts as Lord…” (1 Pet. 3:15). Writer, … Read more


General We can see the letter to the Galatians as a kind of ‘little Roman letter’. That is to say: Much of what Paul writes later in the letter to Romans can in principle already be found in the letter to Galatians. We especially think of the difference between the life of the Spirit and … Read more

2 Corinthians

General What is stated in the previous section regarding the general information about the first Corinthian letter also applies to the second. The believers at Corinth, the capital of the Roman province of Achaia, lived in an important port and commercial city. As a result, the local culture was partly influenced by outside influences. In … Read more