How did Jesus pray to His Heavenly Father?

A fine example of how Jesus prays can be found in the Gospel of John, chapter 17 in the High Priestly Prayer. There it says, He lifted up His eyes and spoke to His Father in heaven. Also in the time of suffering He prayed and begged that the cup of suffering might pass from … Read more

How did God provide salvation?

Since the just penalty for sin is infinite and eternal, only God could pay the penalty, because only He is infinite and eternal. But God in His divine nature could not die. So God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. God took on human flesh, lived among us, and taught us. When … Read more

God is love and knows you!

As you have read, you see that the Bible is very current. This Book describes exactly what is happening right now and also what is ahead of us. We as humans can come up with so many plans to save the world, but it will all come to nothing. When it comes right down to … Read more

Does God always listen when you pray?

The Lord Jesus Himself says that God the Father knows what we need before we pray to Him. God understands our thoughts from afar. However, when we consciously break God’s commandments, then God does not answer, says the prophet Isaiah. Matthew 6: 8, Psalm 139: 1-2, Isaiah 59: 1-2

Can I ask anything I want?

In principle you can ask anything, but there is a condition that you do not ask for things just to satisfy your own selfish needs. Fortunately, God comes to the rescue of our weaknesses because we do not know what to pray as it should. However, He guides us by His Spirit. You should pray … Read more

God want us to be saved

Yes, God wants us to be saved. The Bible is clear that God’s desire is for everyone to come to repentance and have eternal life (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). However, we must also understand that God gives us free will, and He will not force us to choose Him.

‘Money makes me happy’

A million euros… who wouldn’t want that? Or even more money, so you can buy anything you want. You often hear it said around you or maybe you say it yourself: ‘Money does not make you happy, but it does make your life easier’. Every day I’m preoccupied with money. When I go to the … Read more