The Church

What is the Church?

A church is a building, but a Biblical church is a local group of believers who have each accepted Jesus as their Lord. They represent Jesus on earth as his brothers and sisters. The word church comes from the Greek word ekklesia, which means “called out.” The church is also called the “Body of Christ”. …

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What is discipleship?

Discipleship, according to the Bible, is the process of becoming a follower of Jesus Christ and growing in one’s faith through intentional learning, spiritual discipline, and obedience to God’s Word. In the New Testament, Jesus called his disciples to follow him and learn from him, both through his teachings and through his example. He modeled …

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What is missionary work?

Missionary work by Christians is the practice of sharing the message of Jesus Christ with people who have not yet heard it or have not yet accepted it. Christians believe that the Gospel message is good news for all people, and that it is their responsibility to share it with others. Christian missionary work can …

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