Bible study 7 Nephilim

The Bible does speak of Nephilim after the Flood: We have read about Nimrod, the man who rebelled against God and built a city with the tower of Babel.He was a descendant of Cham, a son of Cush.But note the line of Canaan, another son of Cham. Genesis 10:15-20Canaan turns out to be the progenitor of … Read more

Bible study 6 Nephilim

The end of the world as it was then: the flood…. Was it really the end of the Nephilim?Or are they still there?Or were their spirits around?Or will they return in the last of days? All questions of which we will search the Bible for the answers by comparing text to text…. Now first Noah:Noah … Read more

Bible study 5 Nephilim

Because of the mixing of the Nephilim with the human race, the DNA of all mankind became contaminated and the Messiah could no longer be born of mankind. God saves the last people with pure DNA:First of all, God was looking for someone with pure DNA, a spiritual nature that was not contaminated with the … Read more

Bible study 4 Nephilim

How can angels have children with human women? Gen 6: 4 In those days, and also afterward, there were giants on the earth, when God’s sons had come to the daughters of men and bore them children for them; these are the giants of old, men of renown. Read the Bible literally! Judas 1:6-7 6 En de … Read more

Bible study 3 Nephilim

The nephilim stained the earth The book of Enoch: 1 Enoch 7:1-6: “And al the others who were with them took wives, each one choosing what he wanted, and they had intercourse with them and profaned themselves and them and they taught them charms and sorceries. They taught them all about plant roots and made them … Read more

Bible study 14 Nephilim

The religion of the Nephilim 1 Samuel 17:43b And the Philistines cursed David by his gods. The Nephilim were the inventors of pagan religions in the OT. Although Joshua nearly eradicated the Nephilim, their spiritual practices lived on among their human subjects in the land of Canaan.When the Israelites conquered the land, a new challenge awaited … Read more

Bible study 13 Nephilim

The war of the Promised land (2) Why was Israel God’s chosen people? The answer to this question is found in Deuteronomy 9:4-6. Israel was not a better people than the other nations, there was no preferential arrangement, and there was no “master race.” Deuteronomy 9:4 When the LORD your God has driven them out … Read more

Bible study 12 Nephilim

The war for the Promised land (1) After 40 years of wandering in the desert by Israel as punishment for their lack of faith in God, the people were ready to enter the promised land populated by giant nations (Nephilim or Refaists). In doing so, they first had to pass the kings Og and Sihon, … Read more

Bible study 11 Nephilim

The birth of God’s nation Israel In Genesis we read how Joseph, the youngest son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused and convicted but eventually became the second most powerful man in the world (Genesis 41). This led God to take Joseph’s family out of the promised land (where, after … Read more

Bible study 10 Nephilim

Kill the heir – take the inheritance In this chapter we are going to see that the bloodline of the Messiah runs through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the protection of it takes place because Satan tries to find all kinds of ways to defile the bloodline. The parable below shows the mentality of Satan: … Read more