Genesis 7 and 8

Verse 1 is immediately to the point. Noah is a righteous man. He is in good standing with the Lord God. ___________________ In the ark go 7 pairs of clean animals (male and female) and of the non-clean animals 1 x pair. And the birds 7 pairs. So it does NOT say unclean animals but … Read more

Genesis 32

This chapter is about Jacob the wrestler. Up front there is an interesting play on words in the Hebrew: Je’abeq = God wrestles Ja’aqob = Jacob Jabboq = jabbok Before he meets Esau, Jacob has three other encounters: With angels, with God, and with himself. 1 Jacob also went his way and angels of God … Read more

Genesis 3

Verse 1- 5 Now the serpent was the craftiest among all the beasts of the field, which the LORD God had made; and he said to the woman: Is it really true that God has said, You may not eat of all the trees in the garden? And the woman said to the serpent: Of … Read more

Genesis 24

Actually, this is the story of Rebekah (Hebr.: Rivka)! Not of Isaac. Rebekah means “to bind” or “bow” or “binding cord”. Interestingly, the meaning for a woman is: the beauty of a woman with which the man is snared or enchanted.Later, she tied a snare for her husband by deceiving him with the blessing.Rebekah lived … Read more

Genesis 22

The sacrifice of lssak in Gn22 occupies an important place within the Christian tradition as a foreshadowing of (pointing to)the sacrifice of Christ. Yet it is surprising to note that the New Testament makes no reference to this section of text. The only text that seems to refer to this passage is Rm 8 :32 “How will He, who did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, not also with Him give us all things?” At the time, the well-known philosopher Kiekegaard had a … Read more

Genesis 20

Introduction: Between chapter 18 and 20 of Genesis is 1 year – a very special year: 1. Abraham is promised that he and Sarah will have a son of their own within a year, 2. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed, 3. Lot commits incest with his daughters and then in chapter 20 Abraham decides to … Read more

Genesis 14

The campaign of Abraham Genesis 14:1 In the days of Amrafel, the king of Sinear, Arioch, the king of Ellasar, Kedor-Laomer, the king of Elam, and Tideal, the king of the nations, it happened2. that they made war against Bera, the king of Sodom, against Birsa, the king of Gomorrah, against Sinab, the king of … Read more